The best of both worlds

We have 61% greenspace here, which is the highest percentage of any city in the world. Everywhere is walkable, and 1/3 of the city is in the Peak District National Park, meaning Sheffield is a destination for boulders, climbers, MTBers and runners in its own right.

But none of this excludes the culture, cuisine, nightlife and feel that you get from the country's 4th largest city. Ultimately, we think we've got the best of both worlds, smashed together in one amazing place.

Explore Sheffield's wild side


Whether you're a beginner looking to get into the sport from scratch or a budding enthusiast looking to move here to get a bit more work/life balance, here's some inspiration to whet your appetite whilst you're in The Outdoor City.

Mountain biking

Head straight out to the UK’s only inner-city mountain bike trail at Parkwood Springs, take in some big views and berms at Lady Cannings Plantation or venture north to Sheffield's Greno Woods for some technical trails through the trees. Beyond the city boundary, a whole network of trails and bridleways will take you into the heart of the stunning Peak District National Park.


From urban jogs and park runs to fells and ultras, the opportunities for running in Sheffield are vast, so we’ve choice-picked some of the best routes and sights to share with you. We also have the city’s dedicated network of Run Routes to keep you on track.

Road cycling

In a lot of cities you have to chuck your bike on a roof rack or get on a train to get some decent cycling in. The fact that 1/3 of our city is in the Peak District means that you just clip in out the front door - so for those looking for a weekend away where you can make the most of city life and the outdoors, it doesn't come much better than Sheffield.


With scenic viewpoints, lush valleys, weaving waterways and ancient woodland, plus the Peak District on the doorstep, there's so much natural beauty to enjoy in Sheffield: The Outdoor City and often the best way to do this is on foot.

Outdoor activity providers

Whether it's in the city on the canals or on the edges in the reservoirs of the Peak District, there are numerous activity providers who can guide you, instruct you, lead you and hire you everything you'll need to make the most of The Outdoor City.

A Greenground Map of Sheffield

Sheffield actually has more than 800 managed green spaces across 4,000 hectares within the city boundary. With so much on offer, we wanted to create something to help demonstrate how accessible greenspaces are in The Outdoor City and so we commissioned a ‘Greenground Map’ from designer Helen Ilus.

Outdoor Cityzens: Looking after our world

We have 61% greenspace within our borders, we have more trees per person than any other city in Europe, we have over 800 managed greenspaces across 4,000 hectares of land, and it’s recently coming to light that we have more peatland bog than any other city too (which tops the charts for carbon capture). These facts are a source of great pride, but come with a duty to look after what we have.

A city for all kinds of adventures

Walking, running, climbing, biking, wild swimming, caving, kayaking, orienteering... the list goes on. And if you can't find what you need within the city boundary then fear not, as it won't be far away.

Festivals and events

Check out our top walks, runs and rides with pubs on the way

"If only there was a pub on this walk"

Luckily we are also one of Europe's brewing capitals

I'm sold... but is there other stuff to do?

This is the 4th largest city in the country. We have some of the most exciting food & drink in the North, a load of free galleries and museums, cafes, parks, bookshops and craft beer... oh, and did we mention our music scene and nightlife?

Maybe one weekend isn't enough after all...

Where is Sheffield again?

The Outdoor City is really easily accessible by train or by car (if you're bringing bikes or mats!).

Current train times:

From To Sheffield
London 2:01
Birmingham 1:03
Manchester 0:51
Leeds 0:43

Approximate drive times:

From Miles from Sheffield Drive Time
London 165 3:00
Birmingham 90 1:48
Manchester 44 1:13
Leeds 33 0:50

Funding information

The advertising campaign promoting City Breaks in Sheffield is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit
