Kicking off the outdoor season with a bang! Each March, Festival of the Outdoors offers a full month of events and activities celebrating Sheffield's great outdoors and communities. With a really wide variety of events there's something for everyone!
Whether you're a beginner looking to get into the sport from scratch or a budding enthusiast looking to move here to get a bit more work/life balance, here's some inspiration to whet your appetite whilst you're in The Outdoor City.
It might come as a surprise to know that The Burbage Valley is technically part of the city of Sheffield (this is one of the many reasons we call ourselves The Outdoor City!). Accessible by bus from Sheffield city centre, Burbage offers a diverse range of gritstone climbing – from friendly routes to boulder problems, and powerful challenging climbs to classic routes.
Sheffield is located in South Yorkshire at the very heart of the UK. The city's central location also puts it at heart of the UK's major rail and road networks, meaning it's easy to get to and is around 1 hours’ drive from 3 international airports.
The Sheffield Rules inspired the modern game, the World's First Football Club is still here, along with the World's Oldest Ground, and the World's Oldest Cup Match. It's certainly no overstatement to say that Sheffield helped shape the most popular sport in the world as we know it today.
Planning applications were submitted by the developer Urbo at the beginning of March for 368 high quality apartments, 100,000 sq ft of grade A offices and two new attractive public squares.
Sheffield makes me relax, feel at ease and gives me the space and time to think BIG!
Sheffield has a number of distinct assets within the Sport, Health and Wellbeing arena and, thanks to the rich heritage in medical technology development, the city is home to one of the UK’s largest Medical Devices clusters. Our manufacturing expertise means we also have one of the largest concentrations of orthopaedic, medical device and surgical instrumentation companies in the UK.