370 results for the term ‘Dance’


Sheffield tech disruptor sees demand for services rocket

The company, founded by tech expert Nick Stewart, has grown its workforce from two to seven since the start of the year, including two new hirings during lockdown.


Sheffield’s museums make history as they unite for new era

Sheffield Industrial Museums Trust and Museums Sheffield have announced they are to join together to form one of the city’s biggest cultural organisations.


Road cycling

In a lot of cities you have to chuck your bike on a roof rack or get on a train to get some decent cycling in. The fact that 1/3 of our city is in the Peak District means that you just clip in out the front door - so for those looking for a weekend away where you can make the most of city life and the outdoors, it doesn't come much better than Sheffield.


Shop Local Sheffield Bags

Four specially designed tote bags encouraging people in Sheffield to shop local will be available from a selection of independent retailers across the city.


Legacy of UEFA Women's EURO 2022 launches in Sheffield

Sheffield is one of nine cities chosen to host games for the UEFA Women's Euro in 2022 and a major ticketing roadmap and legacy programme has been unveiled, illustrating how a record-breaking tournament has the power to inspire the next generation of players and fans.


Steve Haake OBE

Director of the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre


Vanessa Toulmin

Vanessa's dedication, energy and enthusiasm take her way beyond her actual job title.


Martin McKervey

Martin is heavily involved with many of the city's ongoing development projects.


Avian Hang Gliders Case Study

An engineer with a lifelong love of flying is spreading his wings into the world of business, after stepping in to secure the future of Britain’s only hang glider manufacturer. 


Pitch Decks: What’s The Big Deal?

Every different type of business has its own favoured route for presenting itself in the best light. Whereas traditional retailers might spend hours crafting the perfect ‘shop window display’ or product brochure, in the digital era, attention and resources are lavished on perfecting websites or indeed carefully curating an Instagram feed with on-brand imagery.
