188 results for the term ‘heritage’


Summer Holiday Culture Highlights

If you're in need of ideas to keep the kids entertained, Our Favourite Places have pulled together their cultural holiday highlights for a creative summer in Sheffield.


Why here?


What is Sheffield Inspires?

Sheffield Inspires is the new way of talking about Sheffield, to raise the city's profile, perception, reputation - and ultimately grow the economy. you can find out more about exactly what it is, how it was made, when and where you can use it or see it, and generally be part of championing why this is such a great city.


The craft of beer

The spirit of independent brewing in this nation has been shaped by Sheffield, inspiring a movement that has given us one of the best reputations in the world, for a sector that is also worth £1.8 billion to the UK.


The Home of Football

When most people think Sheffield and football, their first thoughts are probably towards the city’s two current biggest clubs, Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday, little do they know the city’s crucial role in establishing this international sport, which is now played and adored around the globe.


Quality time together

Your next weekend away? Make the most of your time and combine the great outdoors with bustling suburbs, foodie delights, world class theatre and more in Sheffield.


The beautiful game

The Sheffield Rules inspired the modern game, the World's First Football Club is still here, along with the World's Oldest Ground, and the World's Oldest Cup Match. It's certainly no overstatement to say that Sheffield helped shape the most popular sport in the world as we know it today.



Sheffield’s authentic and independent spirit is reflected in its retail and there are several areas of the city where clusters of independent shops have grown to become quirky shopping districts in their own right.


Kelham Island

Kelham Island was named as one of the world's 51 coolest neighbourhoods in 2022 by Time Out. Once the beating heart of industry, Kelham Island is one of Sheffield’s oldest manufacturing sites, except nowadays these buildings house everything from indie shopping arcades to microbreweries and galleries.


Look Up, it's a McKee!

This is Pete McKee's first foray into the world of augmented reality. Full of nostalgia and perfect to celebrate the football history of Sheffield, with some new characters, a dash of retro music, and a nod to the 'Soccer Kid' hit computer game developed here.
