173 results for the term ‘Conference’


Carbon neutral by the end of the next decade

Sheffield is committed to becoming carbon neutral by the end of the next decade. We've committed to shortening our original target by 20 years, declared a Climate Emergency, and announced a citizens’ assembly to help collaborate on finding the best ways to address our problems.




David Sanders

Consultant Gastroenterologist and Professor of Gastroenterology


West End Musicals By Candlelight

Get ready to experience an unforgettable night of musical theatre as live orchestra London Concertante are joined by some of West End’s greatest singers for a show-stopping musical concert performed in the UK’s most gorgeous cathedrals as part of their se


Leaf and Shoot

A former builder who dreamed of the good life has transformed the forgotten underground vaults of Kelham Island into a haven for producing organic edible produce after calling on help from Launchpad, a unique programme which provides business support to new and aspiring entrepreneurs based in the Sheffield City Region.


Canoeing and SUPing in The Outdoor City

Sheffield is the perfect city from which to go canoeing, stand up paddle boarding (SUPing) or kayaking. Rivers, canals and lakes around the city are all easily accessible and offer a whole range of different opportunities to get out on the water.


Huge new water wildlife mural completed in Sheffield

Sheffield street artist Peachzz has completed a new large-scale wildlife mural on the side of  the Cubo building, overlooking Pound’s Park in Sheffield City Centre.


Evolution of electronic music

The global electronic music scene was valued at $11.8b in 2023, projected to rise to $24.5 by 2032. The influence of electronic music on popular culture in the UK has been well documented to have been inspired by Sheffield in the late 70s and early 80s, and still today Sheffield artists, performers, producers and festivals are at the forefront of pioneering how the industry develops and people hear new sounds and have unforgettable experiences.


Recruitment Support for Hospitality Businesses

Recognising that hospitality businesses may find recruitment around reopening particularly challenging, Anne is here to help make sure you’re covering all the bases.
