129 results for the term ‘Film’


Summer Holiday Culture Highlights

If you're in need of ideas to keep the kids entertained, Our Favourite Places have pulled together their cultural holiday highlights for a creative summer in Sheffield.


A woodland art gallery

Twenty minutes' drive from Sheffield city centre, between the trees of Storrs Wood, lies Stoneface Creative - a hidden outdoor art gallery.


Finn Warman

Sheffield makes me proud to be a northerner. The things I love about Sheffield are the way people just crack on with stuff and collaborate, sharing resources and ideas.


Cohesion and Sanctuary

In 2007, with the support of the City Council, Sheffield became the UK’s first ‘City of Sanctuary’ for asylum-seekers and refugees—demonstrating our pride in the welcome we offer to people in need of safety.


Our Favourite Places' festive theatres highlights

Panto. Dazzling dance. Glittery comedy cabarets. And the return of Crucible Christmas musical. It can only be December in Sheffield theatreland.


Our Favourite Places' guide to festive music in Sheffield

Festive sounds will ring out across Sheffield this December. Expect classic carols, choral repertoires, and a jolly set from the city’s premiere comedy-ukulele quintet.




Gritstone within the city at Burbage

It might come as a surprise to know that The Burbage Valley is technically part of the city of Sheffield (this is one of the many reasons we call ourselves The Outdoor City!). Accessible by bus from Sheffield city centre, Burbage offers a diverse range of gritstone climbing – from friendly routes to boulder problems, and powerful challenging climbs to classic routes.


Comprehensive support for businesses on all our high streets.

Business Sheffield is here to support retail and hospitality business on each of our 40 local high streets.


Sheffield spotlighted as UK travel destination on German Breakfast TV

Airing on German Breakfast show programme, ZDF’s Volle Kanne, the 13-minute city piece was broadcast in two segments and took German viewers on a whistle-stop tour or Sheffield’s key attractions, vibrant places and green spaces.
