Phlegm is a world-renowned artist, cartoonist, illustrator, and muralist, who lives in Sheffield but has painted walls across the globe.
On the first two weekend of May each year, Open Up gives people the opportunity to visit artists, creatives, studios and inventive people at the places where they work in neighbourhoods across the city and beyond.
If you're in need of ideas to keep the kids entertained, Our Favourite Places have pulled together their cultural holiday highlights for a creative summer in Sheffield.
Sheffield Industrial Museums Trust and Museums Sheffield have announced they are to join together to form one of the city’s biggest cultural organisations.
An incredible photographic record of Phelgm's Mausoleum of the Giants exhibition and the exhaustive physical process involved, has now been released as a brand new book to create a lasting reminder of this epic three-week installation.
This is Pete McKee's first foray into the world of augmented reality. Full of nostalgia and perfect to celebrate the football history of Sheffield, with some new characters, a dash of retro music, and a nod to the 'Soccer Kid' hit computer game developed here.
Few cities can boast a public space like Sheffield’s Winter Garden and its outdoor companion the Peace Gardens.
Vanessa's dedication, energy and enthusiasm take her way beyond her actual job title.
The No Bounds 2022 program leads with major pieces of work exploring new technologies, yet with a collective and collaborative approach, as well as cross continental musical dialogues. Here's Liam O'Shea, festival director, with more information.
Augmented reality brilliance on the rooftop of the Graves Gallery and Central Library in Sheffield city centre.