500 results for the term ‘Sport’


Hawkwind - There is no Space for us

Legendary space rock pioneers Hawkwind will return to UK stages in Spring 2025, touring in support of their current studio album ‘Stories From Time And Space' out on Cherry Red Records.


Hot 8 Brass Band

Transcending genres and trends, Hot 8 have performed and collaborated with the likes of Jon Batiste, Blind Boys of Alabama, Basement Jaxx and Alice Russell, and provided live support for Mos Def, Lauryn Hill and Mary J Blige.


Freddie Halkon

A meteoric rise for local lad Freddie Halkon from support to sold out Steel Stage, he tops off his massive UK tour with a huge main room headline show next year.


The Alfred Denny Museum of Zoology

The museum is a valuable resource for undergraduate teaching in biodiversity and evolution. Students study taxonomic features on real life specimens to support their understanding of classification, adaptation and core principles of biological science.


The Art House

The Art House Charity provides a range of pottery and art courses and workshops with two Galleries plus spaces to rent. They also deliver Well-being Creative Classes for people needing support in the community.


Run to Stanage Edge at the city limits

Both of these challenging routes begin at the Woodland Discovery Centre in Ecclesall Woods and head out into the Peak District for lots of climbing along some exposed moorland paths.


Mausoleum of the Giants book released

An incredible photographic record of Phelgm's Mausoleum of the Giants exhibition and the exhaustive physical process involved, has now been released as a brand new book to create a lasting reminder of this epic three-week installation.


Kelham Island rated as one of Britain's coolest neighbourhoods (again!)

Consistently cool! Sheffield's Kelham Island district has been in the press once again, having been named amongst the coolest neighborhoods in Britain according to The Telegraph.



Thanks to the Grey to Green project, use of meanwhile spaces, and inventive creations from markets to skateboard areas, Castlegate is seeing a total transformation.


Twinkl Hive: Nurturing the next generation of business leaders

An accelerator programme, TwinklHive opened its doors in 2019 and provides space, investment, and support to accelerate the growth of innovative like-minded start-ups that are looking to solve a real problem for their customer.
