Once a utopian social housing project of the same mould as the Barbican in London, complete with its own morgue, police station and school, Urban Splash are now mid-way through their total redevelopment of one of the dominating features of the city’s skyline.
When Roger first visited Hillsborough Vape Lounge to offer his support, owner Steve Mansfield said thanks but no thanks. “Being me,” says Roger, “I said something like ‘Well, I bet you I could help make it even better!’” Later that day, Steve found himself stuck with something and decided to give Roger a call.
Whether you love basing your weekend away around a national tour, prefer to rock up at a local joint and check out whatever happens to be on offer, or you're a band/artist playing one of our venues or festivals, then you'll feel right at home here.
Over 4 miles, the breathtaking gritstone edge of Stanage is home to some of the most famous traditional or ‘trad’ routes in the world - and it literally forms the boundary edge of Sheffield. If you wanted a single venue to capture the full gritstone climbing experience then Stanage is your place.
Damflask is one of the most picturesque spots within the city's boundaries today, and can be easily reached by bike.
Beyond Bloomsbury: Life, Love and Legacy, chronicles the lives, loves and work of this remarkable collective during the first half of the 20th century and brings together over 140 paintings, sculpture, works on paper and supporting material.
The Eastern Moors circuit has spectacular views with downhill sections that are fast and flowing - but it is suitable for all abilities.