262 results for the term ‘Activity’


World’s first net zero transatlantic flight to fly from London in 2023

The first ever net zero transatlantic flight will take off from the UK next year as part of a pioneering research project to fly across the pond using solely sustainable aviation fuel.


Sheffield walking groups

Sheffield is spoilt for choice when it comes to walking groups. Here are a few of them.


Lady Canning's plantation

In the words of Sheffield’s mountain bike legend Steve Peat, "it’s an awesome ride!"


Tim Lindley, Business Information Officer

Meet Tim, our very own "Dragon Slayer". Tim covers areas including Kelham Island, Crosspool, Crystal Peaks, Abbeydale Road and London Road amongst others.


Get outdoors

We have 61% greenspace here, which is the highest percentage of any city in the world. Everywhere is walkable, and 1/3 of the city is in the Peak District National Park, meaning Sheffield is a destination for boulders, climbers, MTBers and runners in its own right. But none of this excludes the culture, cuisine, nightlife and feel that you get from the country's 4th largest city. Ultimately, we think we've got the best of both worlds, smashed together in one amazing place.


Get to know the MTB community

Although an individual pursuit it is best enjoyed with others, sharing the delights of two wheels over any terrain. In Sheffield, there is a strong mountain biking community, brought together through a love of bikes with a handful of groups making things happen in The Outdoor City.


Sheffield Business Awards 2021 shortlist now announced

The Sheffield Business Awards return on the Thursday 9 December and the 2021 Shortlist has now been announced.


University of Sheffield and ITM Power announce pioneering collaboration

ITM Power and the University of Sheffield will also jointly plan and fund a National Hydrogen Research Innovation and Skills centre, which will undertake research into the safe and efficient manufacture of hydrogen using low or zero carbon sources of energy.


Sheffield to be home to pioneering gene therapy centre

Sheffield has been chosen as the location for one of only three Gene Therapy Innovation & Manufacturing Centres to be established in the UK.
