162 results for the term ‘Blog’


Under The Bridge Stage at Get Together

Taking over the Concourse outside Sheffield University Students’ Union, Under The Bridge will run 12pm - 8pm with a FREE outdoor live music, art and street food.


Top things to see walking around the city centre

Sheffield City Centre has a huge variety of architecture and public spaces to enjoy, so you can wander round with friends and a coffee and have a really nice day without spending too many of those precious pounds.


Manor Park

A story of transformation and success for a place once dubbed 'The Worst Estate In Britain', Green Estate CIC is a not for profit organisation which has been working to improve the quality of life in the Manor Ward of Sheffield since 1998. 



A Universal Basic Income, or UBI Lab is a citizen-led group exploring and advocating for Universal Basic Income. What many people don't know - even if they might have heard about UBI as a concept - is that it is borne out of Sheffield and facilitated by the social enterprise Opus.


Carbon neutral by the end of the next decade

Sheffield is committed to becoming carbon neutral by the end of the next decade. We've committed to shortening our original target by 20 years, declared a Climate Emergency, and announced a citizens’ assembly to help collaborate on finding the best ways to address our problems.


Expert support for Sheffield’s high street businesses

Business Sheffield's Business Information Officers are a team of successful business consultants, working to help Sheffield’s high street businesses thrive.


Vivacity Choir set to perform first full concert after surviving pandemic

A Hillsborough-based choir is preparing for its first full concert since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 - and everyone is invited!


The Sheffield Culture Strategy

A fresh vision has been developed for creativity, arts, and culture in Sheffield. This vision aims to ensure that everyone who lives, works, or visits here has the opportunity to participate, collaborate, and benefit from arts and culture in the city.



An independent social enterprise founded under the banner of 'Creating for Common Good' - promoting participation, creativity and activism. Projects include Now Then Magazine and the Now Then App, Wordlife, Opus distribution and Festival of Debate.
