Some heart-warming examples of how Sheffield has come together in a neighbourly way.
Over 4 miles, the breathtaking gritstone edge of Stanage is home to some of the most famous traditional or ‘trad’ routes in the world - and it literally forms the boundary edge of Sheffield. If you wanted a single venue to capture the full gritstone climbing experience then Stanage is your place.
If you climb outdoors you will always have one eye on the weather. A little local knowledge can help you find the right crag in and around Sheffield, and get a good day’s climbing whatever the weather.
Inner city MTB trails aren't exactly a common occurrence, especially not when they're this good, and so close to amazing food and beer!
The Eastern Moors circuit has spectacular views with downhill sections that are fast and flowing - but it is suitable for all abilities.
The cluster of reservoirs around Bradfield, to the north of Sheffield, are not only calm, stunning places to spend time: they're also excellent spots for runners of all abilities.
From managed trails to gritstone heathland, there are challenges for both beginners and the more experienced. Whether on tyres or in trainers, the stunning views along this trail will make it all well worth the effort.
As a result of the Victorians' hard work and modern investment we now have a lovely, level, traffic free, surfaced trail to be enjoyed while admiring the glorious scenery.
Tickets for Good uses ticket sales to create donation programmes within the events industry for charities and social projects. The Ticket Bank is for charities and community organisations that want to improve access to the arts for their service users; or as a reward for their service users/beneficiaries.