Christine Le Maitre, Professor of Musculoskeletal Cell Biology and Tissue Regeneration
Once you've mastered the art of organic social media marketing, you might be curious to learn how paid ads could make a difference. Is your organic social media content getting lost in the noise? Ready to ditch the "boost post" blues? Scared of wasting money on social media ads that go nowhere? In this interactive workshop and live demo, you'll discover how paid social media campaigns (paid ads for short) can broaden your reach, increase engagement, and improve sales performance.
A cafe with a proper difference, Tabby Teas house permanent feline residents, who are all rescue cats. Their aim is to provide a relaxing and calming environment for both customers and cats to enjoy each other's company. Whether you are coming with a group of friends, or venturing by yourself for some kitty cuddles, we're sure you'll have the purr-fect time.
In 2007, with the support of the City Council, Sheffield became the UK’s first ‘City of Sanctuary’ for asylum-seekers and refugees—demonstrating our pride in the welcome we offer to people in need of safety.
From urban jogs and park runs to fells and ultras, the opportunities for running in Sheffield are vast, so we’ve choice-picked some of the best routes and sights to share with you. We also have the city’s dedicated network of Run Routes to keep you on track.
Following the recent extensive archaeological research, including unearthing evidence of former steel works dating back to the 19th century and the remains of Sheffield Castle itself, the project is now moving into Phase 2 which will see redevelopment of the park and events space.