Gareth Roberts, Founder of Regather

Sheffield makes me who I am.

Which is one part of a city-wide movement working to transform the Sheffield food system, making it more healthy, sustainable and fair.

I believe the city is reciprocal - when I work with others what we put in we get back many times over. I've found this throughout all the projects I've worked on, from Regather to ShefFood, the Folk Forest to Peakender

Moving to Sheffield as a student in 1994 was the start of a life-long journey, which has included making the city my home, buying and refurbishing our house, renting an allotment, starting a business, raising a family, organising city-wide events and festivals, volunteering in the community - and so much more. My parents and brother have also moved here, and they manage a small business too, so I guess we're all Sheffielders now!

Sheffield makes many things, but I believe Sheffield is best at making people, and I'm proud to say I have been Made in Sheffield!
