Chermaine Cooil

Chermaine Samphire

Chammy is a nutrition student at Sheffield Hallam University

Mum and nutrition student Chammy loves the city’s family friendly vibe, as well as its many vegan hangouts. 

‘Sheffield’s a big city with lots of green spaces, friendly people, and a welcoming student community. my little one’s eleven, and being close to a place where there’s lots to do is great.

In the Moor shopping area you’ve got the markets, the shops, places to eat and The Light cinema. The market’s a great mix. If you need a specialist ingredient they’ll have it there — and it’ll probably be cheap.

We spend quite a lot of time at Meadowhall Shopping Centre because it’s got everything. If it’s just me and my husband we’ll eat at Las Iguana or Zizzis. The little one loves Harvester for the salad bar.

Sheffield is known as a green city. But it’s not just all the beautiful parks and countryside — there are trees on every street. It makes exploring the city such a relaxing experience.

We have an amazing selection of quirky, stylish and independent cafes. My favourite is Extra Life Gaming Lounge — you can play old games machines and compete on big, wall-mounted leaderboards.’


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