Justice is one of the fundamental principles allowing human beings to feel safe and to live safely in their societies.
However, history and current affairs prove that the principle of justice is not always available to all; on the contrary, it appears that injustice runs rampant.
Humanity, unfortunately, remains subject to abuses of power, unfair treatment, false accusations, wrongful convictions, inequalities, attacks on human dignity, and violations of human rights.
These unresolved issues prove never-ending, making them frequent topics of discussion and also leading creators to shine a spotlight on those who challenge the status quo. Japan, of course, is no exception to this.
Thanks to recent movements, awareness of difference has taken off in Japan, with more and more filmmakers openly voicing their opinions on gender, sexual, and racial inequality in support of diversity.
However, behind the buzz, many continue to feel marginalised or confused, pushed by claustrophobic social pressures and judgement against external standards into a constant struggle to justify that what they are doing is right.
Films themselves may not bring about changes in the unfavourable situations we face, but all of the films included in the Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme 2025 offer mirror images of the world we inhabit, questioning if a transcultural common ground on justice and justification exists.
From recent releases to older hidden gems and laugh-a-minute entertainment to profound food for thought, the programme will also showcase the versatility of Japanese film, introducing filmmakers worth looking out for while – as always – guaranteeing something for everyone.
In collaboration with the Japan Foundation. Major supporter - Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. Sponsors in kind - Athletia, SUQQU, Calbee, Clearspring, Pentel.