Sheffield Tinnitus Information Roadshow

31 May 2025 09:30 - 15:30

Tinnitus experts will be giving talks about the basic facts on tinnitus, treatments available, how to manage stress and methods of relaxation.

There will be some great speakers, as well as the opportunity to join in taster sessions of different activities such as yoga and mindfulness, which may help you manage your tinnitus.

There will also be an exhibition, with stands from a range of different tinnitus service providers.

This inclusive event is free of charge to attend for the general public and everyone is welcome to attend, including family/friends/support networks.

A light lunch and refreshments will be provided free of charge, and there will be communication support for those with hearing impairments.

These events have been held all over the UK with great success. Most attendees leave at the end of the day feeling more positive and in a better position to manage their tinnitus going forward.


