LightFest is a free, hands-on scientific exhibition about light, the quantum world and a greener future.
Young people and members of the public are invited to visit this hands-on exhibition and meet scientists who are ready to take you on a journey of exploration.
The wonder of Light illuminates the world and powers technology. Explore its mysteries, from its incredible speed to its dual nature as both wave and particle.
Photosynthesis: Unleashing the Power of the Sun Discover how plants convert sunlight into food and find out how nature inspires scientists to develop new technologies.
Plasmonics: The Magic of Tiny Metals Witness the magic of plasmonics! When metals are shrunk to the nanoscale, their colours transform dramatically, from dull to vibrant hues. Explore the fascinating world of tiny metallic particles, from their role in ancient Roman glass to their revolutionary applications in modern medicine.
Polaritons: Where Light and Matter Dance When light and matter vibrate in perfect harmony, they create extraordinary hybrid particles called polaritons. Explore the fascinating world of these unique entities, from their fundamental principles to their revolutionary applications in fields like energy and computing.