Kelham Island Orienteering

11 Mar 2025 18:30 - 20:30

Come and experience the challenge of night orienteering around the streets of Kelham Island.

With a choice of three different courses, this race caters to experienced orienteers, runners and newcomers alike and is part of Sheffield's month-long Festival of the Outdoors.

To take part, please enter in advance via the entry system on the South Yorkshire Orienteers website. Entries open on Saturday 1 March and will close on Saturday 9 March.


£6 adults (£5 members), £3 juniors / students.

Additional Information

Location & Parking: Based at the Fat Cat, Alma St, Kelham Island. Postcode S3 8SA. Registration and start in the garden room of the Fat Cat.  Parking - in the Fat Cat car park or surrounding streets.

Courses: Courses on offer will be Long (approx 8km) Medium (approx 6km) and Short (approx 2.5km). Distances are indicative until final planning completed.

Timings: Starts from 6.30-7.30. Courses close 8.30pm.

Safety: Please take care crossing roads. Juniors welcome but under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. You must wear reflective clothing and carry a headlight!

Post event social:
Join for beer and / or food in the Fat Cat post race. Food will need to be pre-ordered via the entry system by Sunday 9 March.