Wednesday Rambling Group Sheffield

The “Wednesday Rambling Group for Men” has been in existence for over 50 years, being formed in 1968 for retired and semi-retired men, and the original name remains to the present day. They do not have a single elected official, all necessary duties, such as leading walks are carried out on a voluntary basis.

They meet for walks every Wednesday at the Transport Interchange in Pond Street, Sheffield what-ever the weather, travel mainly by public transport and always welcome new members.

Walks vary between 9-12 miles. There are some with break off points near public transport, that suit those who prefer to walk shorter distances. Their programme of regular walks covers the Peak District, South Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire and West Yorkshire. Two or three times a year they organise car rambles, these give the option of walking in areas not covered by local transport.

They also enjoy three coach rambles a year. These take place the first Wednesday of May, July and September and guests are invited to join in. Walks in the Yorkshire Dales, North York Moors, Wales and Lancashire are some of the locations visited and all days are well attended. Members also organise a week’s walking break at the beginning of May.
