Sheffield ranked as No.1 City in the UK to start a business

27 Mar 2022

The UK’s longest serving online small business advice platform, has ranked Sheffield as the number one city in the UK for starting a business, as they unveiled their latest Startups Cities Index.

An annual ranking of the Top 25 Cities in the UK (outside of London) for starting a business, the index is the most exhaustive research project of its kind. Startup's expert researchers examined a grand total of 42 crucial research categories that can influence startup success, covering everything from digital infrastructure to high street funding.

The information then determined the best overall city for startups to thrive in, with particular regard for five their major categories of Business Support, Infrastructure, Talent, Wellbeing and Business Activity. Sheffield was revealed as the ultimate winner, thanks to the city’s strong performance across many of the research areas.

Startups were impressed by the city's "low cost of living, large working population and fantastic transport links" but also gave the city "special praise for making the top 10 in four out of our five main research categories, including second for business support and third for talent".

The findings went on to state, that Sheffield "boasts an impressive business profile and is home to world-class brands, including Boeing and HSBC. The city is also famous for its Innovation District. This globally significant centre for innovation and translational research spans over 20,000 acres and is a major driver of growth in the north of England and across the UK.

"As a university city, Sheffield is home to thousands of highly skilled workers and graduates, creating a huge pool of talent for recruiters to pick from. It is also nestled in the Peak District National Park, creating a beautiful, green location to attract employees."

Harry Bliss, Co-Founder & CEO of Startups-100 business, Champion Health, said "without Sheffield’s business support and talent pool, Champion Health would not exist. It’s here that I first founded the business, sought investment and – of course – gained investment from a fantastic local tech-for-good incubator named TwinklHive.

There’s [also] a strong tech scene – no doubt helped by excellent local universities and courses. And with many professionals being priced out of cities like London, I think Sheffield is becoming a more attractive proposition for young talent.

Sheffield's No 1. ranking is music to the ears of Business Sheffield who exist to support startups and businesses of all sizes in the city. Speaking on the city win, Business Growth Manager at Business Sheffield, Yvonne Asquith said: "Of course we're delighted to come out on top and for Sheffield to be noted for the strength of its business support is just fantastic. We have a strong business community with a genuine appreciation of local independents, a tech sector positioned for great collaboration and a rich manufacturing base."

No matter the size of the business or ambition, there's a whole host of FREE support services available to help businesses thrive in Sheffield.

Find out more about the support Business Sheffield offers here. artwork for the Sheffield as the winner of the best city to start up in
