Recruitment Support for Hospitality Businesses

26 Mar 2021

Hospitality Businesses in Sheffield? Do you need support on recruitment? As part of a range of support services available to local businesses, Anne Brennan is our HR Specialist Advisor, available to provide comprehensive advice and support.

Recognising that hospitality businesses may find recruitment around reopening particularly challenging, Anne is here to help make sure you’re covering all the bases. 

She can help you access apprentices/graduates and engage in programmes such as Kickstart.  Our strong links with both of the city’s universities mean that we can help access both part time staff from the student population, but also work placements, internships and permanent hires.

Anne also works closely with working Jobcentre Plus, which enables her to help plan for future recruitment needs and increase the diversity of your workforce through a variety of means, such as Sector Based Work Academies, where potential recruits can be trained to your specific requirements.

All information about your business and plans is of course treated in the strictest confidence. To find out more, please get it touch with Anne, via email: or give her a call on: 07767 474198 (working days Tuesday to Thursday).
