
"For us, it’s all about ROI. The data has given us solid facts on energy and productivity. This supports our decisions on where and when to focus and invest." - Charlie Stothard, Production Manager, Maher

Maher has been operating for over 90 years on high-strength, high-performance alloys and precision machined components. Their legacy draws from steel stockholding and their product range covers nickel, copper, titanium, and other specialist alloys. Their capabilities in precision machining allow them to specialise in automated serial production, which operates on a ‘lights-out’ basis, 24/7. The Energy Challenge appealed to Maher because it would allow them to access support in the region to help drive production and energy efficiencies.

Most of Maher’s factory floor equipment runs 20+ hours a day. The Energy Challenge delivered hard facts, providing a business case to replace older machinery sooner rather than later. On the production side, the learning centred around behaviour change. People buying into the individual and collective benefits of data monitoring are understood as critical to driving progress.

The machine sensors were an eye-opener for Maher and they quickly realised they were missing a trick by not having access to this information. Maher will continue to work with FourJaw, using real-time data to inform day-to-day decisions and long-term strategic investments.
